Day 50 - How Would I Feel
DAY 49 - I'm Just Being Honest
DAY 48 - Smart & Savvy
DAY 47 - The Gift of Teshuvah
DAY 46 - The Laws of Shidduchim and Loshon Hora
DAY 45 - The Egoist
DAY 44 - The Buck Stops Somewhere
DAY 43 - Talk with Me
DAY 42 - Average Frum
DAY 41 - A Little Murder
DAY 40 - Favorable Judgement
DAY 39 - Shoes in the House
DAY 38 - It Was a Joke
DAY 35 - In the Workplace
DAY 37 - Social Justice Warriors
DAY 36 - Listen & Silent
DAY 34 - Can You Believe It?
DAY 33 - That Changes the Equation
DAY 32 - That Was 1865
DAY 31 - On One Condition
DAY 30 - Classic Loshon Hora
DAY 29 - Body Language
DAY 28 - Better to be Poor
DAY 27 - An Estate Owner
DAY 26 - Fake News
DAY 25 - Four Curses
DAY 24 - Train Up Ahead?
DAY 23 - That is the Question
DAY 22 - 3 Jewish Mothers
DAY 21 - Come Together
DAY 20 - Are You a Pushover?
DAY 19 - Mushy Pizza
DAY 18 - Careful with Your Power
DAY 17 - Flattery Will Get You Nowhere
DAY 16 - Just Like Murder
DAY 15 - Drinking the Poison
DAY 14 - Two Witnesses
DAY 13 - Bottled Up
DAY 12 - The Seesaw Effect
DAY 11 - Wait... Leprosy?
DAY 10 - Warning!
DAY 9 - The Super Rules
DAY 8 - Death to the World
DAY 7 - Head in the Sand
DAY 6 - A Tragic Mistake
DAY 5 - Gan Eden Now
DAY 4 - Hey! Presto! I Got You
DAY 3 - Crushing the Torah
DAY 2 - Holding Back the Geulah
DAY 1 - We Blew It